Wij bieden

Salaris dat wordt aangevuld met een bonus.
Mobiliteitsbudget of auto van de zaak
Training en opleiding

Onze recruiter

Femke Roze

Over ons

It is Bolster’s mission is to connect people and companies to their core purpose. To realise real and honest impact. 

In order to achieve this we have 5 values which underpin everything we do;

 The client says WOW 

 We are powered by Seeing®

 We care for each other

 We work transparently and keep it simple

 We are entrepreneurial 


How We Work

You have a challenging ambition, you want to change the status quo. You have the courage to change. We will facilitate your process. 

 Together with you we define the approach, 100% tailor made. 

  You stay in charge, we help you by asking the tough questions. 

  Fast results, you are in execution directly from the start.

  Good energy. Let’s be honest, working in flow brings the best results. 

Onze waarden

Uniek aan Bolster is de aanpak waarin we strategie ontwikkeling en leiderschap integreren.